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Lemon organic
essential oil


€103.00 / 100 ml

incl. VAT and plus. Shipping


Available immediately, delivery time 6 - 8 working days

  • Botanical name: Citrus limon
  • Scent: fresh, fruity, fizzy, clear
  • Fragrance note: top note
  • Guaranteed quality: 100% pure essential oil
  • Natural aroma for food
  • To improve and flavor the air
  • Origin: Sicily
  • Manufacturing: cold pressing from the peel
  • glass from at least 40% recycled glass

General information

The essential oil of lemons is an organic controlled and certified product, which is artisanal produced with love and consideration. We only use sun-ripened lemons from Sicily. After the harvest, the lemons are cold-pressed locally. That way we can offer a 100% pure essential oil. To obtain the long-lasting scent and effect of the essential oils it is recommended to keep the oils stored at a constant temperature. The storage life of citrus oils is limited to 1-2 years in consequence of the cold pressing.

Worth knowing

The lemon tree originates from India and was first imported in Italy after the 5th century, to spread in Mediterranean area. Out of the lemons juice, the peel and the oil out of the peel can be produced, and everything is broadly applicable.


Usage to scent the room: put enough water into the bowl of the aroma lamp and add 2-5 drops of an essential oil.
Usage for the kitchen: 2-3 drops of an essential oil are enough to flavor 100 g of any food. You can find recipes in our blog.
Perfect for sauna infusion. Depending on the size of the sauna, 3 to 30 drops of essential oil are used (in infusion water or on crushed ice balls).

Product reviews

4.94 out of 5 stars






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29 February 2024 at 09:13

Limone allegro

Ottimo alleato nel lavoro psicofisico quotidiano, fantastico in cucina, posta allegria nelle giornate grigie

19 January 2024 at 22:17


Già: taglia un limone e annusa, e poi annusa la boccetta, incredibile l'estratto dell'olio essenziale quanto sia prorompente il suo aroma proprio come un frutto appena tagliato. Ottimo olio essenziale, vitalità, energia.

8 February 2023 at 15:23


Ho acquistato questo olio essenziale nella bottega Bergila per utilizzarlo soprattutto in cucina, nelle preparazioni dolci, dove lascia una incredibile aroma di limone. E' davvero ottimo!

16 October 2021 at 17:42

Reiner Duft und vollstes Aroma

Dieses Öl besticht durch seine absolute Reinheit. Wenige Tropfen als Ergänzung zu Gerichten mit Zitronenschale (z.B. Kaiserschmarrn) machen das Gericht perfekt. Auch sehr angenehm zur Raumbeduftung, allerdings ist dieser Duft dort nicht so lang anhaltend wie andere Noten.

20 September 2020 at 21:53

Olio essenziale di limone

Uso l'olio essenziale di limone in molte occasioni: come bevanda, per lavare i pavimenti, nella lavastoviglie, ottimo!

7 July 2020 at 11:45


Dai mille utilizzi. Lo uso in alcol alimentare nebulizzandolo nell'ambiente ..disinfetta è profuma.

22 May 2020 at 08:33


provo questo olio per la prima volta. profumo davvero intenso e morbido. perfetto

24 April 2020 at 20:35

ätherisches Zitronenöel

ein Tropfen in eine Flasche Mineralwasser - sehr erfrischend!

24 April 2020 at 16:16

Olio essenziale

Ottimo per profumare la casa e per dare più gusto ai cibi

17 April 2020 at 22:23

Limoneto in gocce

Olio essenziale delicato, che ti porta con l’olfatto in un limoneto. Molto fresco, ricorda l’estate.

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