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Rosemary organic
essential oil


€123.00 / 100 ml

incl. VAT and plus. Shipping


Available immediately, delivery time 6 - 8 working days

  • Botanical name: Rosmarinus officinalis ct. cineole
  • Scent: intense, fresh, aromatic, herbaceous
  • Fragrance note: top note
  • Guaranteed quality: 100% pure essential oil
  • Natural aroma for food
  • Manufacturing: steam distillation of the leaves
  • glass from at least 40% recycled glass

General information

The essential rosemary oil is an organic controlled and certified product, which is artisanal produced with love and consideration. To obtain the long-lasting scent and effect of the essential oils it is recommended to keep the oils stored at a constant temperature.

Worth knowing

Rosmary is a very tough and evergreen plant can grow 2 meters high. Rosmary was one of the first plants which was used by the Greek and Romans not only as a remedy but also in the kitchen and religious ceremonies.


Usage to scent the room: put enough water into the bowl of the aroma lamp and add 2-5 drops of an essential oil.
Usage for the kitchen: 2-3 drops of an essential oil are enough to flavor 100 g of any food. You can find recipes in our blog.
Perfect for sauna infusion. Depending on the size of the sauna, 3 to 30 drops of essential oil are used (in infusion water or on crushed ice balls).

Product reviews

5 out of 5 stars






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17 January 2024 at 20:52

Gebündelte Sonnenkraft

Ich gehöre zu den Menschen, die schnell frieren. Kaltes, nasses Wetter ist schrecklich für mich. Dann gebe ich gerne Bergila Rosmarinöl in meinen Tee. 1 bis max. 2 Tropfen auf eine ganze Kanne genügen völlig! Obwohl ich das schon seit langem mache, mag ich das Aroma immer noch und es tut mir richtig gut. Als würde das Rosmarinöl ein Stück Sommer in mich bringen: Wärme, Frische und Leichtigkeit.

19 May 2020 at 17:11


Profuma e purifica l'aria con un gradevole profumo

17 April 2020 at 22:15

Ottima essenza

Olio essenziale intenso, ma confortevole. Un buonissimo prodotto.

3 January 2020 at 21:39

Bagno rigenerante

Per un bagno rigenerante ed rivitalizzante è ottimo.

1 January 2020 at 13:37


Semplicemente fantastico. Preso per una amica che è rimasta entusiasta!

11 December 2019 at 22:00


E' la prima volta che lo acquisto. Profumo buonissimo. Sembra di essere in mezzo alla pianta

10 June 2019 at 17:42

Sehr zufrieden!

Super Qualität! Nutze es für die Duftlampe und als Zutat für Haaröl. Ist schon meine zweite Flasche :)

25 March 2019 at 12:28


E' un ottimo prodotto, amo mettere qualche goccia nel diffusore in ufficio, mi purifica l'aria e rinfresca per ore l'aria. Super consigliato

17 March 2019 at 20:55


Aggiungo questo profumatissimo olio ad ogni shampoo e i miei capelli guadagnano in lucidità e lucentezza.

4 February 2019 at 09:35

Il migliore

Il miglior olio di rosmarino che io abbia mai provato

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