General information
Worth knowing
The packaging board is made of FSC-certified paper. The cellulose film is obtained from renewable resources (wood) and is biodegradable.
For the preparation of Bergila herbal teas dash the herbs with 90°C hot water (leave water standing for one minute after boiling). For one cup you need one teaspoon of loose herbs. Leave the tea to draw for 5 to 8 minutes. The longer the tea is left to draw, the more intense the bitter compounds come out and the more color will develop. Cover up the tea while leaving it to draw to avoid the evaporation of the essential oils. blog.
* from organic cultivation
1 December 2019 at 20:46
Wer Kräutertee liebt wird vom Bergsteiger Tee begeistert sein
3 October 2019 at 21:46
Trovo questa tisana un piacere inrinunciabile dopo una bella passeggiata
26 July 2019 at 10:43
Una coccola in montagna
Conosciamo da tempo questo infuso. Molto gradevole, ricorda proprio la montagna. Lo beviamo anche d'estate
12 April 2019 at 18:56
So wie er heisst, infuso dell alpinista, so schmeckt er...ganz was feines & besonderes, Durst löschend und schmeckt immer nach mehr. Von 5 sternen unbedingt 6!!
19 November 2018 at 12:52
Infuso dell'alpinista
Neben dem hervorragende Geschmack gefällt mir auch die italienische Bezeichnung sehr gut: Infuso dell'alpinista (klingt einfach herrlich!)
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100% organic and with lots of love
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