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Winter mixture organic
herbal tea


€30.40 / 100 g

incl. VAT and plus. Shipping


Available immediately, delivery time 6 - 8 working days

  • Beneficial effect
  • With buckhorn, wild rosella and others
  • Gentle harvest and processing
  • Herbs of our own cultivation
  • Food supplement
25 g

General information

This tea infusion with carefully selected herbs like bcukhorn, wild rosella and mullein is especially used in the cold winter months. Tip: the tea can be refined with honey according to anyone's taste.

Worth knowing

The packaging board is made of FSC-certified paper. The cellulose film is obtained from renewable resources (wood) and is biodegradable.


For the preparation of Bergila herbal teas dash the herbs with 90°C hot water (leave water standing for one minute after boiling). For one cup you need one teaspoon of loose herbs. Leave the tea to draw for 5 to 8 minutes. The longer the tea is left to draw, the more intense the bitter compounds come out and the more color will develop. Cover up the tea while leaving it to draw to avoid the evaporation of the essential oils. Blog


buckhorn*, peppermint*, hyssop*, mullein*, marchmallow*
* from organic cultivation

Product reviews

4.89 out of 5 stars






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5 December 2023 at 16:05

Passt in den Winter

Wenn's draußen endlich mal rieselt macht dieser Tee den Winter perfekt mit seinem angenehmen Geschmack.

5 February 2023 at 08:33

Mein Lieblingstee

Ich bin begeistert von diesem Tee! Mittlerweile mache ich jeden Tag eine grosse Kanne davon, und geniesse jeden Schluck. Reinste Natur und tolle Qualität - was will man mehr?

25 April 2020 at 08:30


Usata durante influenze a vie respiratorie, da sollievo. Piacevole nel gusto...ancor di più con un po di miele

28 November 2019 at 19:06

Per l'inverno

Ottimo infuso per me,sempre alle prese con malanni stagionali.

12 May 2019 at 11:55

Natura allo stato puro

Soffro di sinusite, a volte sto male anche in estate. Le medicine aiutano un 20%, il resto lo fa questa tisana, tra l'altro dal sapore gustosissimo. Ancora una volta grazie Bergila!

12 April 2019 at 17:53

Buonissima in inverno conciliante

L'ho già ripresa, questo inverno al pomeriggio o alla sera è rilassante e piacevole come una coccola in vacanza. Prima di coricarsi concilia il relax.

27 January 2019 at 21:22


È un prodotto che viene usato da tutta la nostra famiglia specialmente quando nella stagione invernale si è raffreddati. Aiuta tantissimo

23 January 2019 at 08:41


Per problemi di tosse catarro sa è un prodotto fantastico

22 September 2018 at 17:35

Schmeckt gut

Angenehmer Geschmack, leicht aufzubrühen, gerne wieder.

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