South Tyrolean herbal dream organic
herbal tea
General information
Worth knowing
Our Quality Features:
• Handpicked Herbs: For the highest quality, our herbs are harvested and selected by hand.
• Gentle Air-Drying: Our herbs are dried slowly and gently to preserve their natural aromas and active ingredients.
• Herbs from Our Own Cultivation: Lovingly and carefully grown directly on our own fields.
• Organic Quality: Certified and sustainable – for pure nature in every cup.
The packaging board is made of FSC-certified paper. The cellulose film is obtained from renewable resources (wood) and is biodegradable.
For the preparation of Bergila herbal teas dash the herbs with 90°C hot water (leave water standing for one minute after boiling). For one cup you need one teaspoon of loose herbs. Leave the tea to draw for 5 to 8 minutes. The longer the tea is left to draw, the more intense the bitter compounds come out and the more color will develop. Cover up the tea while leaving it to draw to avoid the evaporation of the essential oils. blog.
* from organic cultivation
5 February 2023 at 10:02
Toller Geschmack,
Das ist der einzige Kräutertee, den mein Sohn (14) trinkt und liebt, weil die Minzenote im Hintergrund bleibt und nicht alle anderen Kräuter übertönt. Praktisch und dennoch umweltschonend abgepackt.
26 April 2020 at 21:06
Tisana sogni d'erbe.
La trovo ottima in caso di cattiva digestione ed ha anche un'azione rilassante. Buonissimo anche il gusto!
20 December 2019 at 20:03
Ottimo te alle erbe di montagna, buon profumo di erbe di montagna e anche il gusto non è da meno
19 October 2019 at 17:19
Ottima e rilassante
Tutte le sere mi prendo la mia tisana prima di andare a letto così posso dormire rilassatamente.
5 October 2018 at 23:12
il profumo appena si apre la confezione è gradevole e quando si assaggia l'infuso si avvertono diversi sentori ben assortiti, allo stesso tempo salutare e per dedicarsi una coccola
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100% organic and with lots of love
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